
interaksi antara komponen dalam ekosistem

Nama:Eka Saifi rijal Absen:07 Kelas:Xips3  1.simbiosis mutualisme contoh:kupu-kupu menghisap nektar atau kelenjar madu pada dari kelopak bunga untuk di jadikan makanan.sedang kan bunga mendapat keuntungan karena di bantu proses penyerbukan oleh kupu kupu 2.simbiosi parasitisme  contoh:nyamuk merugikan kan manusia.karena nyamuk mengambil darah untuk makan dan manusia tidak dapat apa² kecuali sakit atau gatal 3.simbiosis komensalis  contoh:dimana tanaman paku melekat pada tumbuhan yang di singa i.hal ini di lakukan untuk tumbuhan paku mendapat kan sinar Matahari untuk fotosintesis.sedang kan tumbuhan yang di singa i tidak mendapat apa 4.netralisme  contoh:se ekor kambing yang sedang makan di Padang rumput dan se ekor ayam memakan belalang dan serangga yang ada di Padang rumput 5.predasi contoh:kucing memakan tikus di halaman rumah.hubungan antara komponen biotik dengan saling memakan antara makhluk hidup ...

komponen abiotik dan biotik

Nama: Eka Saifi rijal Absen:07 Kelas:x ips3 Komponen abiotik dan biotik di sekitar      rumah              Komponen abiotik yang ada disekitar rumah 1.Air 2.cahaya 3.tanah                                 Komponen biotik yang ada di sekitar rumah 1.kucing 2.tanaman 

report text

                       REPORT TEXT  Name : Eka Saifi Rijal Class : X-Ips 3       If you enter Sukoanyar village , you must pass a welcome monument so that people who pass through the road know the access to enter Sukoanyar village. When it was late in the afternoon, usually children and teenagers played soccer while waiting for sunset, this was done because it was to eliminate the feeling of individuality. Because our village does not participate in the water from the Purwosari area, our village makes its own reservoir and sanyo so we can get water then store it in a reservoir and distribute it to the residents' houses. The people in my village prefer to farm their own rice instead of buying, therefore in my village the rice fields are more dominant, that's why in our village there is almost no shortage of foodstuffs When the time for prayer has arr...

tugas membuat topeng

Nama: Eka Saifi rijal Absen:07 Kelas: Xips3


Nama:Eka Saifi rijal Absen:07 Kelas: Xips3 Assalamualaikum WR.WB   Saya memilih tanaman keladi black jack Untuk di budidayakan beberapa bulan kedepan Alat dan bahan 1) Pot 3= 4.000x3=12.000 2) bibit Bunga keladi black jack=_ 3) Sekrop 4) tanah di bawa pohon bambu 5) pupuk=15.000   Jadi total Rp.27.000   yang 3 untuk saya dan yang 12 untuk di jual dan di bawa kesekolahan


Nama:Eka Saifi rijal Absen:07  Kelas: Xips3 THE SUNFLOWER The sunflowers are annual plant in the family  Asteraceae . They have large flower heads  (capitulum) . The stem can grow up to 3 meters tall, with a flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other types of sunflowers include the California Royal Sunflower, which has a burgundy (red + purple) flower head. The flower head is actually made of hundreds or thousands of tiny flowers called florets. The central florets look like the center of a normal flower, and the outer florets look like yellow petals. All together they make up a "false flower" or  pseudanthium . The benefit to the plant is that it is very easily seen by the insects and birds which pollinate it, and it produces thousands of seeds. The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. That is why Kansas is sometimes called the Sunflower State. To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile, wet, well-drained soil with a lot of mulch. In commer...

